Saturday, May 9, 2020

Acne keloidalis nuchae

Age: 26 years
Gender: male
Site: lower occipital scalp and upper neck
Duration: 3 years
History: cosmetic concern and mild pain
Findings: inflammatory papulonodules and scarring
Diagnosis: clinical
* Systemic antibiotics plus topical antibiotics and corticosteroids
* Intralesional corticosteroids

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Tattoo granuloma

Age: 64 years
Gender: female
Site: forearm
Duration: two years
History: amateur tattoo was made 4 decades ago. Carbon (Soot) is the material (dye) of tattooing in this type of tattoo! Carbon is introduced into different levels (depths) within the dermisby pin pricking or needling!
Findings: asymptomatic granulomatous nodules at sites of previous tattoo (colored arrows)
Diagnosis: clinical
Treatment: intralesional triamcenolone acetonide 2.5-5 mg/ml.

Dermatitis artefacta

Age: 38 years
Gender: female
Site: flexor forearm
Duration: one month
History: the patient denied any self-mutilation
Findings:clear cur longitudinal ulcer about 12 x 2.5 cm with red border and yellowish brownish crustation
Diagnosis: depends on high suspicion index. Suspicion originated from:
* Regularity of the ulcer
* Rapid evolution
* Lack similarity to known ulcerative dermatoses
* Patient's denial of self inflection
* Non specific histologic findings on skin biopsy
It was suspected to be self induced with a caustic chemical material (chemical burn)!
* Reassurance and topical antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection.
* Referral to a psychiatrist.

Irritant contact dermatitis

Age: 25 years
Gender: female
Site: lower face
Duration: 5 days
* Severe burning sensation
* The reaction developed few hours after application of a topical combined preparation contains Retin A
Findings: red scaly rash
Diagnosis: Clinical
* Immediate withdrawal of the expected culprit
* Betamethasone valerate 0.1% ointment applied twice daily which gave excellent result within 10 days.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Unilateral ear psoriasis

Age: 6 years
Gender: female
Site: auricle (unilateral)
Duration: 6 months
* Asymptomatic unilateral rash
* Negative family history of psoriasis
Findings: Typical psoriatic plaque confined to one ear only!
Diagnosis: clinical
Treatment: Topical corticosteroid with 1-2% salicylic acid

Bowen's disease complicated by SCC

Age: 75 years
Gender: female
Site: back
Duration: > 5 years
* Russian woman living in IRAQ since many decades
* Asymptomatic red plaque
* Giant red infiltrative well demarcated plaque
* Dome-shaped red nodule, about 1 cm in diameter, in the center of unknown duration! (see the black arrow)
Investigations: two biopsies were taken; first one from the plaque and second one was deep taking the entire nodule.
First biopsy showed Bowen's disease
Second biopsy revealed SCC reaching the lower dermis
Treatment: referred to the oncology department 

Cement contact dermatitis

Age: 24 years
Gender: male
Site: hands (palms)
Duration: 3 months
* Contact with cement (works as a lumper)
* Severe itching
Findings: bilateral symmetricaldry scaly erythematous rash with fine fissuring
Diagnosis: Clinical
* Ultrapotent topical corticosteroids plus oral antihistamines
* Advised to change job or at least wear protective gloves

Acne keloidalis nuchae

Age : 26 years Gender : male Site : lower occipital scalp and upper neck Duration : 3 years History : cosmetic concern and mild pain...